Tree Replacement Program

Each tag starts with the number 50, which is an area number designated for the golf course. Each area of campus has its own unique #. The second numbers represent the year it was ID'd or planted and the final number is the inventory number for the golf course Since arriving just before summer in 2015, we have been aggressively removing dead and diseased trees and replacing them with new varieties in better locations. My predecessor, Mike Rayman, began the process years before and deserves tremendous credit for his efforts. We also owe thanks to our University Grounds department and their tree specialists. Many years prior to my arrival at Weibring GC, they began planting/transplanting trees into a little used space adjacent to the golf course. We refer to this area as the tree nursery (located just west of #3 tee box) and in total we transplanted 35 trees into the golf course. Dr. Kopsell and a number of his horticulture students here at...